

3920 appréciations
Dear Olusia,
I'm fine and you? Thanks for your question.
So, gold and silver are both precious metals. The biggest difference is the price; indeed, today, gold is about 88 times more expensive than silver for the same weight. There are their composition and their ability to tarnish to take into account. In fact, 18-carat yellow gold is composed of 75% of pure gold, 12,5% of silver and 12,5% of copper; then that, sterling silver is composed of 92,5% of silver and 7,5% of others metals generally copper.
I prefer work with silver because annealed sterling silver is more flexible and malleable than gold for manufacture my unique links by hand.
But, the weak point of silver is it tarnishes.
I hope it's clear.

Dernière modification le mercredi 07 Novembre 2018 à 11:37:07

3160 appréciations
Dear Fabienne F,
Thank you very much for your reply.
Your answers are always very interesting.
You always give us many detail of how you work so that we can appreciate your efforts.
Thank you.
Take care and have a nice day

3160 appréciations
Dear Fabienne F,
hope you are doing well this morning.
Some time ago, you introduced precious gift boxes containing precious necklaces and pendants.
Could you please explain us idea of this concept?
What would you say to women to invite them to buy this kind of jewelry?
Thanks and have a nice day.

3920 appréciations

Dear Olusia,
Thanks for your question which allow me explain my concept of precious boxes 'splendeur&majesté'.
"Two in one" is the engine which motivates my idea.
"Two in one" permit me to offer my clients the opportunity to appreciate my two personal techniques with the unique links ('nature', 'pétale', 'goutte') for necklaces and the wrapping of metal wire around pearl for pendants.
"Two in one" is my expertise with my better quality of cultured pearls at a better price than if the customer bought the two jewels separately.
I hope it's clear.

3160 appréciations
Dear Fabienne F,
your respons is very clear and give us arguments when we meet new customers.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice day

464 appréciations
Hello dear Fabienne F
How are you today?
Today request is to tell us more about the body’s jewel wich are so specific and ladies are not so much use to wear!
Thanks a lot for your answer👋🏾

3920 appréciations
Dear Dory,
Je te donnerai de mes nouvelles par WhatsApp en espérant en avoir des tiennes également.
Thanks for your question which allow to present my body's jewel named 'COUTURE' and 'STYLE' in BIJOUBISOU collection at '80 € max'.
So, at the begining the slogan for my necklaces was "GOA dress your neck"  and I just wanted more. I wanted to dress more than the neck, consequently, I manufactured earrings, bracelets, rings, sets of jewels... But it wasn't enough...
So, I say to myself "why don't you dress the body?" And it's the birth of FOA brand fantasy body jewelry.
I advise my clients to let the FOA body's jewel magnify a simple outfit like a dark or white dress, lingerie or even swimsuit.
The motto is feminine at wish.
I hope it's clear.

Dernière modification le mercredi 14 Novembre 2018 à 18:07:08

464 appréciations
Very Clear Fabienne F!
Thank you for your answer 👋🏾

3160 appréciations
Hello Fabienne F,
Last time you said us that the price of boxes “two in one” is better for customer then if they buy jewelry separately.
So, today’s question is on how do you set the price of necklaces?
We know pearls are very expensive and you do have many other spending.
You also offer to customer to pay in free or four time without other fees.
How do deal with it? 
Many thanks.
Have a good day.

464 appréciations
Hello Fabienne.
How are you today?
You told us that you're an autodidact jeweler. 
But do you take any advantage of your biology training for your work?

Thank you for your answer.

3920 appréciations
Hello Olusia,
Thanks for your question.
I set the prices of all jewels according to constants like the bonus for the brand GOA or FOA, the TVA for the French State, the hourly smic for the more complex creations and according to variables like the price of materials for the same designation, the return on investment for the same designation, participation in new manufacturing projects, participation for the maintenance of the sites of Genesis One Apple, participation for packaging, participation for photos and advertising, participation for storage in the workshop ...
Multi-payment free of charge allows to retain customers and ensure monthly cash flow for Genesis One Apple. It's good.
I hope it's clear.

Dernière modification le mercredi 21 Novembre 2018 à 18:58:53

2812 appréciations

Bonsoir Fabienne F,
J'espère que tu vas bien.
Une de mes filleules m'a posée cette question après avoir vu dans les book toutes tes créations déjà vendues et je te la transmets : "où trouves-tu toute cette énergie pour faire tant de bijoux différents à chaque fois?"
Je te remercie d'avance pour la réponse que tu me fourniras.
Je te souhaite un bon dimanche.
A bientôt

3160 appréciations
Hello Fabienne F,
hope you are doing well today.
Could you please tell us about name of collections: Boldness, Splendor, Majesty, Sumptuous?
The names are very original, not at all banal.
Many thanks.
Enjoy your day.

Dear Fabienne F,
How are you today?
If you have an advice for the young people who want to be jewelers, what would you tell?
Thanks a lot for your answer 👋🏾

3920 appréciations

Hello Dory,
Thanks for your question nine days ago about my biology training. Indeed, I have a biology license.
So, I can do a relation between cultured pearl and her birth in pearl oyster. I can use the serious and the methodology for manifacture one after the other every unique link. And I can respect and admire all natural materials that I discover bit by bit.
It's short but I hope it's clear.

Definitely clear dear Fabienne F 👍🏾

Thank you for your answer 👋🏾

3920 appréciations
Bonjour Joya,
Merci pour ta question.
Alors, au sujet de la source de mon énergie pour fabriquer des créations uniques et nouvelles à chaque fois. Je répondrai dans un premier temps que j'ai choisi ce métier et cette condition d'unicité donc c'est une responsabilité que j'aime à honorer ; puis deuxièmement je vis des ventes de mes créations uniques donc je fabrique plus autant que possible pour gagner plus  ; troisièmement comme toutes les mamans qui travaillent, je m'évertue à travailler courageusement et fièrement à titre d'exemple ; et enfin, je prie.
A bientôt  

3920 appréciations
Hello Olusia,
Beautiful question!
So, first collection named is Sumptuous to describe the first pearls AAA that I received.
Secondly, names Splendor and Majesty are to describe silvery shine of silver (Splendor) and golden shine of gold or gold plated (Majesty).
Thirdly, name Boldness is to describe my three unique links nature, petal and drop.
And for fantasy, 'Bijoubisou' is to describe a family atmosphere with lots of gifts and kisses.
I hope it's clear.

Dernière modification le vendredi 30 Novembre 2018 à 15:19:05

3160 appréciations
Dear Fabienne F,
Many thanks  for your answer.
You give us, once again, an overview of your univers.
Thanks and enjoy this day.

2812 appréciations

Chère Fabienne F.
Je te remercie pour ta réponse sur la source de ton énergie et vais la transmettre à ma filleule.
Bonne semaine à toi

3160 appréciations
Hello Fabienne F,
You are specialized in luxurious neckless. Nevertheless, we could see last year silver and gold plated bracelets and earrings.
This year, customers can buy Truffia Collection neckless.
Could you tell us about limited collections you offer? 
Many thanks. Take care.

2812 appréciations

Chère Fabienne F.:b1:
Comment vas-tu?
Je constate que tu donnes un nom à chacun de tes bijoux : Beauté, Nébuleuse, Collier Richesses.
Peux-tu me dire comment tu les choisis et pourquoi les nommer?
Joyeuse fête de l'Immaculée Conception

3160 appréciations
Hello Fabienne F,
Hope you are well.
Today, I would like to ask you what are your preferencies?
Which technique, between the method of wrapping metal around pearls and the creation of the unique links, do you
Which one is more difficult for you even if I know you do not shrink from the difficulties?
Many thanks.
Have a nice day

3160 appréciations
Dear Fabienne F,
the end of the year is very close.
You have certainly a lot of work, so no question today, but only many wishes for your :
STRENGTH AND COURAGE for your achievements and challenges.
Enjoy your day and take care

Dernière modification le mardi 18 Décembre 2018 à 10:53:03

2812 appréciations
Chère Présidente Fabienne F.
Les marraines marraines de foa organisent le 16 février 2019, le Dîner Des Marraines (DDM). Quel est ce concept, qui en est à sa 2ème édition? 
Je te remercie pour ta réponse et te souhaite un bon week-end.

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